Top Strategies Used by Criminal Defence Lawyers in Vancouver

 Criminal defense lawyers in Vancouver employ various strategies to defend their clients and obtain a favorable outcome in court. These strategies may differ depending on the type of case, the evidence available, and the circumstances surrounding the case. In this blog, we will explore some of the top strategies used by criminal defense lawyers in Vancouver.

  • Negotiation and plea bargaining

One of the most common strategies employed by criminal defense lawyers is negotiation and plea bargaining. This involves negotiating with the prosecution to reach a deal that is favorable to the defendant. The lawyer may negotiate for reduced charges, reduced sentencing, or alternative sentencing options such as community service or rehabilitation programs.

  • Challenging the Evidence

Another strategy used by criminal defense lawyers is to challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution. The lawyer may argue that the evidence was obtained illegally, was tampered with, or is unreliable. They may also challenge the credibility of witnesses and experts presented by the prosecution.

  • Questioning Police Procedures

Criminal defense lawyers may also challenge the procedures followed by the police during the investigation and arrest of their client. This may include questioning whether the police had probable cause to search or arrest their client, whether the client's rights were violated during the arrest or interrogation, and whether the police followed proper procedures when handling evidence.

  • Presenting alibis or defenses

Another strategy used by criminal defense lawyers is to present alibis or defenses that can refute the charges against their client. For example, if the client is accused of a crime that they did not commit, the lawyer may present evidence that proves the client's innocence. Alternatively, if the client committed the crime but had a valid defense, such as self-defense, the criminal lawyer may present evidence to support that defense.

  • Building a Strong Defense Team

Criminal defense lawyers may also build a strong defense team to support their client's case. This may include hiring expert witnesses, investigators, and other professionals who can provide testimony and evidence to support the client's defense.

  • Arguing for Reduced Sentencing

If the client is found guilty, criminal defense lawyers may argue for reduced sentencing. This may involve presenting evidence that mitigates the severity of the crime or the client's involvement in it. The lawyer may also argue that the client is not a danger to society and would be better served by alternative sentencing options.

  • Conducting Pre-Trial Investigations

Criminal defense lawyers may conduct pre-trial investigations to gather evidence and information that can be used to support their client's defense. This may involve interviewing witnesses, gathering physical evidence, and reviewing police reports and other documents related to the case.

  • Filing Motions to Suppress Evidence

Criminal defense lawyers may file motions to suppress evidence that was obtained illegally or in violation of their clients rights. This can include evidence obtained through illegal searches or seizures, evidence obtained through coerced confessions, or evidence obtained through other means that violate the client's rights.

  • Conducting Jury Selection

Criminal defense lawyers may also conduct jury selection to ensure that the jury is unbiased and can provide a fair verdict. This may involve reviewing potential jurors' backgrounds and attitudes and asking questions during voir dire to assess their ability to provide an impartial verdict.

In conclusion, criminal defense lawyers in Vancouver use a variety of strategies to defend their clients and obtain a favorable outcome in court. These strategies may include negotiation and plea bargaining, challenging the evidence, questioning police procedures, presenting alibis or defenses, building a strong defense team, arguing for reduced sentencing, conducting pre-trial investigations, filing motions to suppress evidence, and conducting jury selection. By employing these strategies, criminal defense lawyers can provide their clients with the best possible defense and help them achieve the best possible outcome in their case.



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